Research by International Markets
A collection of documents containing research and insights into the various markets coming to BC.

Explore publications and reports focused on tourism, specifically in British Columbia.
Benefit from current industry research and statistics on international visitors and markets of origin, traveller and trip characteristics, business and employment data.
Top trends, seasonal data, restaurant and hotel data, and development strategies for all six tourism regions in BC are available here.
A collection of documents containing research and insights into the various markets coming to BC.
Regional Profiles summarize key tourism indicators, and provide a general overview for each of the province’s six tourism regions.
Various performance indicators for Canada, BC and British Columbia’s six tourism regions – published by Destination BC.
Regional strategies that combine planning, policy, and capacity building efforts.
The Audit Report offers insights into the performance of Indigenous tourism in British Columbia between 2013 and 2017.
This will link you to Destination BC’s Learning Centre. This centre is open 24/7 and provides access to tourism resources and tools, featured articles, guides, templates, and videos.
Indigenous Tourism BC offers training and workshops to support the development of Indigenous tourism businesses from concept to export-ready.