• Up close image of a carved face on a totem pole and painted exterior of a building.

    Communities And Entrepreneurs

    Indigenous Tourism BC exists to support your vision. If you have a business idea or are incorporating tourism into your community‘s economic development plan, please connect with us. The goal of Indigenous Tourism BC is to contribute to your success in the Indigenous tourism industry.

Communities And Entrepreneurs Include:

An Indigenous community or an Indigenous entrepreneur interested in tourism and looking to start a tourism business.

No Fee

A dock in the water with a small boat and the mountain range in the background


We commit to the success of Indigenous communities and entrepreneurs who have, or are developing tourism businesses by offering the following benefits:

  • Email updates
  • Funding opportunities
  • Advocacy, expertise, and advice
  • Network expansion
  • Business development support
  • Opportunity to develop a collaboration agreement
  • Access to training and workshops
  • Access to industry research
  • Access to ITBC’ Annual General Meetings and Stakeholder Forums
  • Access to ITBC’s Digital Asset Management System (images, videos)
  • Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada‘s Basic Membership
Traditional drum

About Tier One

Conceptual Start-Up Phase: Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to start a tourism business, a community, or an association interested in tourism, ITBC has tools and resources available to support your vision.

Start Up: Typically, businesses in the start-up phase have an underdeveloped product and have not yet started business activities. Businesses in this phase are interested in exploring Indigenous cultural tourism as an economic development opportunity.