Working With Indigenous Communities

1. Employ Indigenous Community Members
2. Include Indigenous community leaders at the decision making table when looking at tour opportunities within the community or traditional territory.
3. Include Indigenous community members in any training initiatives, both as presenters and as attendees.
4. Leave money in the community, work with Indigenous entrepreneurs
1. Include positive/feel-good coverage about Indigenous communities rather than focusing mainly on issues.
2. Work with respective Indigenous organizations, governments, and Knowledge Keepers to fact check all stories that include content on them and their territory.
3. After a relationship is established, employ an in-community correspondent or have an Indigenous liaison to maintain a relationship with the community.
There are ancient protocols and customs that are often given a priority in Indigenous communities. Knowing how to navigate some of these protocols based on respect will ensure better relationships and the best experience for all involved.
Learn more about considerations when working with Indigenous Communities.