• Leadership Model

Rooted in Tradition, Strengthening with Collaboration

At Indigenous Tourism BC (ITBC), our organizational structure is inspired by a tree’s strength and wisdom, where each tree trunk’s ring tells a story of growth and resilience, and our roots and branches form connections. The seed of what has become Indigenous Tourism BC was planted close to 30 years ago, and now, our organizational roots and branches have grown stronger with collaboration. The roots hold soil, the trunk sustains life, and the branches extend in many directions. Together, we are growing a forest.

Fostering Inclusive Leadership

We’ve embraced a circular and inclusive leadership model that symbolizes the unity and shared purpose fueling our work. In this model, three Chief Officers lead our organization, working together to guide ITBC with shared authority and a commitment to consensus. This leadership structure creates a working culture that values every person and honours the relationships that drive our success. This tree trunk sustains life and creates an inclusive leadership culture.

Learn More About Our Leadership Model

  • Indigenous carving and painting
    Indigenous carving and painting
    Chief Financial Officer

    Oversees finance, contracting, human resources, operations, and ITBC subsidiaries, ensuring our resources are managed with integrity and foresight.

  • Up close image of a carved face on a totem pole and painted exterior of a building.
    Up close image of a carved face on a totem pole and painted exterior of a building.
    Chief Marketing and Development Officer

    Leads the charge in marketing, experience and product development, and Indigenous relations while building travel trade partnerships that bring the richness of Indigenous tourism to the world.

  • Person dancing in traditional clothing
    Person dancing in traditional clothing
    Chief Governance and Partnership Officer

    Works hand-in-hand with the House of Tyee to guide governance and policy within Indigenous tourism and serves as the main contact for our partners, ensuring our collaborative efforts are rooted in mutual respect, shared goals, and a commitment to Reconciliation.

Our Board of Directors

The Chief Officers report directly to the House of Tyee (our Board of Directors). The Board of Directors provides strategic direction and leadership to the organization. Comprised of 13 Board members—six regional, six at-large, and one ex-officio—the Board is dedicated to supporting ITBC’s mission.

Key responsibilities include:

  • Establishing policies and procedures for the organization’s management and operations
  • Advising Society Members and making recommendations for action
  • Overseeing financial management and fundraising efforts

The Board also operates through three standing committees: Finance, Governance, and Marketing. Board members serve two-year terms, with elections held during the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

For detailed information on the roles and responsibilities of ITBC’s Board of Directors, please refer to the bylaws here.

A man wearing traditional Indigenous clothing stands in front of two totem poles

Bringing Our Vision to Life

Our team’s dedication and collaboration are the driving forces behind Indigenous Tourism BC (ITBC). The symbolic tree of ITBC’s organizational structure is rooted in a strong collaborative team and connected to the world through our branches. We raise our hands to the ITBC team and partners who make this work happen. Meet the individuals who are working together to bring our vision to life.