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  • Three people kayaking on the mountains.

    Things To Do

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Totem pole inside Bill Reid Gallery

Arts & Culture

Art and artifacts are alive in Indigenous culture – embodied and expressed by the living peoples, who carry the knowledge of their ancestors and share it with you, 

Outdoor Adventure

Time spent in the wilderness is never wasted. For Indigenous peoples, activities on the land are opportunities to share stories, collect food and medicine, and receive the beautiful return from creation.

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Log cabin


Indigenous-owned accommodations in BC welcome you to take rest or host your event in meaningful spaces that celebrate Indigenous culture and community.


New fine Indigenous dining and contemporary experiences honour old, simple ways. Sip Indigenous wine on sage-covered desert hills and sample from culinary award-winning eateries in the fertile growing areas and landscapes of British Columbia.

Indigenous staff at the Squamish Lil'wat Cultural Centre gift shop in Whistler, BC


Remember your experience of Indigenous land, people, culture and support Indigenous artists and business owners. Contribute to the livelihood of artists by shopping at Indigenous-owned gift shops, where education and respect are priorities.

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